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The forcible transfer of Ukrainian children is the most explosive genocidal act of the Russian war of aggression. Our campaign to contribute to their repatriation :

enfants et fusil #BringBackUkrainianKids.png


hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian children deported to Russia

A historical emergency

enfants et fusil #BringBackUkrainianKids.png


hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian children deported to Russia

A historical emergency

rapatrier les enfants déportés.png


the deported Ukrainian children

According to the Ukrainian authorities, several hundred thousand children, of which about 20,000 unaccompanied minors identified by Kyiv (April 2023), are  currently held on Russian territory, without guarantees or external checks on their living conditions.

They are deliberately separated from their parents,

stripped of their Ukrainian identity, Russified, illegally adopted, turned into cannon fodder for the Russian army.

Un plaidoyer politique.jpg

For Ukraine, for their freedom and ours! is the first association to have alerted public opinion and the French government to the deportation of Ukrainian children to Russia. 

Our advocacy to institutions

With no party affiliation, we talk to French or European MPs, senators and ministers to inform the institutional resolutions and positions that are essential for the return of Ukrainian children deported to Russia.


The forcible transfer of children from one group to another is a crime against humanity and an act of genocide, according to, respectively, the Rome Statute of the ICC and the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide


communication to the ICC

"All the evidence is there,

under the eyes of public opinion in every country, listed, documented"

Emmanuel Daoud, lawyer

À propos

Le transfert forcé d'enfants ukrainiens, l'acte génocidaire le plus explosif de la guerre d'agression russe.

Notre campagne pour les rapatrier.

enfants et fusil #BringBackUkrainianKids.png


hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian children deported to Russia

A historical emergency

À propos

Le transfert forcé d'enfants ukrainiens, l'acte génocidaire le plus explosif de la guerre d'agression russe.

Notre campagne pour les rapatrier.

Une collecte de dons - pourlukraine_edited.jpg

Our fundraising for the return of children

The return of each of the Ukrainian children deported to Russia is non-negotiable.

Our focus is to facilitate the return of children in Ukraine, with their families or Ukrainian institutions in charge of children.


We are raising funds to contribute to the repatriation of these children and to their reempowermentpsychological, family and social  in collaboration with accredited Ukrainian NGOs.

À propos

Le transfert forcé d'enfants ukrainiens, l'acte génocidaire le plus explosif de la guerre d'agression russe.

Notre campagne pour les rapatrier.


We cannot surrender to the hands of theKremlin these thousands of Ukrainian children forcibly deported and isolated.

Our international petition

Ask UNICEF and the ICRC to visit these children, examine their living conditions and organize their repatriation to Ukraine.

Urgently call on governments across Europe to intervene unanimously and publicly demanding from Russia the release of the children and all deported Ukrainian civilians.

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